Chemical peels throughout history
Chemical peels are the most effective way to exfoliate the old, damaged and dry layers of your skin. This is not a new idea- it was used thousands of years ago by the Romans and Egyptians. Today you can buy a facial scrub and use it two or three times a week, but if you really want to see more permanent results quickly, chemical peels are the way to go.
For all types of skins
There are varying intensities of chemical peels- light, medium, or deep. Light chemical peels are ideal to begin with, as these do not require too much recovery time. They can help with fine wrinkles or lines, patchy blemishes, dryness and mild acne. Medium chemical peels are similar to light chemical peels, except they are the better option for those with darker skin tone. Deep chemical peels can help with extremely bad wrinkles, pigmentation marks and even some pre-cancerous growths.
My preference of chemical peels
I personally prefer light chemical peels as my skin loses the sun-burnt look after a day or so, and I can use foundation a couple of hours after the session, as a cover up. I usually go for once every 6 months, but you can go for every few weeks or 3 months as well. Initially you may not notice a big difference, but after a few sessions you will. I also use certain creams and strong sun-block for a couple of weeks before a session, as preparation- because they do help with the results. Generally the treatment does sting a bit, but the intensity depends on the chemicals used. After my treatment I make sure that my skin stays cool and moisturized, with a very light moisturizer or a ‘spritz’ of water, and above all, I use a good sun-block before I go outside. Follow the instructions of your beautician or doctor and you will look and feel like new, in no time.
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